How do I become a verified teacher?

For more details on what verified teachers have access to, see What is teacher verification?

1. Create a teacher account

Start at the create account page and then complete the registration form.

2. Add your school or institution to your account

You can do this from your  account settings.

3. Request verification at your institution

In your account settings, click "Request verification" for your school or institution. Note that only users who are registered as a Teacher at their institution can request verification. If you are a Tertiary Educator needing verified teacher access please contact for further help.

What happens next?

We take the privacy of students very seriously. After you request verification, we'll contact your institution and confirm that you're a teacher there.

You'll receive an email once your verification has been processed.

What can I do as a verified teacher?

Verified teachers can sign up students, and manage student accounts at your school. You’ll also receive free access to all of our materials, including problem solutions and teacher notes!

For more details on what teachers have access to, see  How do I get a free teacher account?

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